East Lothian Library Services is offering free access to the Ancestry Library Edition, essentially a version of Ancestry available for use in public libraries:
We're really excited to announce that you now access Ancestry Library edition from home until 30th April 2020!
Access to this resource has been temporarily expanded to library cardholders working remotely, courtesy of ProQuest and its partner Ancestry.
Ancestry has over 4 billion records available to search, from historical censuses and parish records, to military records and passenger lists. It's a great resource if you are interested in finding out about your family history.
See https://bit.ly/3dLG7YB to access.
I've also seen some tweets suggesting other libraries are similarly offering free access to the library ediiton of Ancestry, for example @JackieDepelle has tweeted that Wakefield Libraries are doing so likewise in Yorkshire via libraries.wakefield.gov.uk/web/arena.
Bottom line - check your local library service, it might well be offering similar!
(With thanks to Lorna Kinnaird and Jackie Depelle)
You can pre-order my new book, Tracing Your Scottish Family History on the Internet, at http://bit.ly/ChrisPaton-Scottish2 (out April). Also available, Tracing Your Irish Family History on the Internet (2nd ed) at http://bit.ly/ChrisPaton-Irish1 and Tracing Your Scottish Ancestry Through Church and State Records at http://bit.ly/ChrisPaton-Scotland1. Further news published daily on The Scottish GENES Facebook page, and on Twitter @genesblog.
The Scottish GENES Blog (GEnealogy News and EventS): Top news stories and features concerning ancestral research in Scotland, Ireland, the rest of the UK, and their diasporas, from genealogist and family historian Chris Paton. Feel free to quote from this blog, but please credit Scottish GENES if you do. I'm on Mastodon @scottishgenes and Threads @scottishgenesblog - to contact me please email chrismpaton @ outlook.com. Cuimhnich air na daoine o'n d'thàinig thu!
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