Nathaniel Jones, Directory of Glasgow, 1787, (1868)
First published in 1787, and reputed to be the first directory for Glasgow, this 1868 reprint is republished here on fully-searchable CD-Rom. The book contains 114 printed pages and includes several sections not present in the original issue as indicated by the full title of this edition: Reprint of Jones's Directory; or, Useful Pocket Companion for the Year 1787. With an Introduction, and Notes of Old Glasgow Celebrities, by the 'Rambling Reporter'. Originally compiled by the coffee room keeper, Nathaniel Jones, as a list of subscribers to his coffee room, his members persuaded him to go beyond his original aim and include as many manufacturers, merchants and companies as her could collect and thus Glasgow's first directory came into being.
For more on the directory, and how to buy it, visit the following link: Directory of Glasgow.
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