Friday 30 October 2009

New Scottish genealogy book

If you are looking for a genealogical stocking filler for Christmas, a new book to be released in a couple of weeks time could be just the ticket.

Discover Your Scottish Ancestry: Internet and Traditional Resources is a second revised updated edition of a popular book by Graham Holton and Jack Winch, published by Edinburgh University Press. Whilst I don't know Jack, Graham was one of my tutors during the postgraduate diploma in genealogical studies that I studied at the University of Strathclyde, and he's a man who certainly taught me a thing or two.

I'll be going on a much larger voyage of discovery with Discover Your Scottish Ancestry in a forthcoming review for Discover my Past Scotland magazine! In the meantime, priced at £14.99, the book is to be released towards the end of November. From what I've seen so far, it's a definite worthy addition to your bookshelf, with a fairly hefty and useful bibliography included as well as many useful web addresses.

(With thanks to Graham and to Edinburgh University Press)

Professional genealogical problem solving and research

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